Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Now Dex?

So Dex was bugging me about blogging more. I probably won't post very often. (plus, I'm fairly sure nobody else reads this much.) but I'm posting now.

So finals are very yuck. I can't seem to focus on studying and even though I think I'll do ok, I'm still worried. blargh.

this post isn't very substantial. so I'll include the monologue that I had to write and have to perform Thursday for my drama final. (which i still haven't memorized :/ )


Hey, can we talk? It’s kind of important. Just give me one minute, okay? I just want to tell you that- you are a wonderfully amazing human being. And no, I’m not trying to be creepy. I just think that you are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. You’re beautiful, intelligent, you have so much potential- so why are you wasting your life like this? You say the whole world is useless, that love doesn’t exist, that no one cares whether you are alive- open your eyes! People care. The world really doesn’t suck all that much. And maybe you just aren’t looking for love in the right places. Just stop wallowing in your self pity. Stop acting like no one else could possibly understand you. Because we can. And we do. Just because one day sucks doesn’t mean that the next one can’t be better. So put down the drugs and the alcohol. They might numb the pain, but the aren’t going to make it go away. Try meeting some good people. The ones who really know how to live, how to enjoy their lives. Try listening for a change, instead of whining about how horrible things are. I promise you, life will get better. You just have to let it.

[yes, I know it sucks. shuddup. It meets the requirements]