Monday, July 19, 2010

Moar Quotes.

"'The purpose of this lab was to show that we are just small specks in an uncaring universe' 'Thank you, we were just putting potatoes in salt water, but thank you.'" -Rhett

"I see you like blowing bubbles. Hi. I'm Bubbles." -Kian

"What about reproduction?" -Maggie
"I like reproduction!" -Gilbert
"What about conception?" -Edward

"Did some leaf guy just randomly walk by?" -Pancho

"How would the dog make babies?" -Miranda
"That's a good question. Perhaps through the same... let's not continue this." -Dr. B

"I have a donut in my armpit." -Jason Boring

"Aren't they squishy?" -Miranda
"What, baby butts? Baby butts are squishy." -Edward
"You pedophile!" -Miranda

"I'm really tempted to get up at two in the morning and learn how to use a urinal." -Maggie

"It wasn't even scary the first time. It's just a severed arm." -Lydia

"I could be such a terrorist, just jumping, shaking the earth." -Dr. B [GRAVITATIONAL TERRORISM]

"A pilot wants to fly... He doesn't want to anymore." -Dr. B

"They've got a rack of biggies in the back!" -Connie

"Next time you have a dream, can you invite me?" -Jane

"She is like a koala bear, and I'm a Eucalyptus tree!" -Connie

"I'm a puppy, I lick people I love!" -Miranda

"Either I have extremely short legs, or my urethra is in my belly button." -Miranda

"I knew an otter once. You remind me of him." -RA Richard

"Why do you get to be Beyonce? I have a bigger butt than you do!" -Miranda

"I do have turf. The ground is turf." -Dex

Be patient, and more quotes will follow! you can't have them all at once!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

In Which I Tell You Quotes.

So here you go Rhett. Some more quotes. That's it.

"Stone, Stone, where do you roam? From one hand into the other. is it here? Is it there? look at cupcake standing in the middle!" -Everyone [I don't really understand this one. According to Dex/Mica/Dani/etc. it is funny. I'll take their word for it.]

"Singing...Hair...Justin Bieber!" -Mica

"The world is a meme. Facebook is a meme. Facebook is the world!" -Josh

"I am a lesbian at heart." -Dani

"Pancho, you have dinner meds!"
"no I don't!"
"Yes you do!"
[next morning]
"Chris, I have breakfast meds!"
"no you don't!"
"yes I do!" -Pancho/Chris

"Sweet Jesus on a waffle cone!" -Rhett

"Stick your face to the window and see if she looks!"-Alex
"That is a good strategy" -Random Person

"This is the most bizarre thing I have ever done" -Mica
"You need to get out more" -Dex

"She's Jating Dohn Wise!" -Connie

"How many times have you hit yourself with poi?" -Molly/Alex
"I'm never having kids again" -Dex

"Chartreuse is like the green of pink" -?

"When your finger clicks computer key..." -Dr. B
"Computer key clicks your finger?" -Edward
"In Soviet Russia..." -Everyone.

More to come soon! be patient.

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's time now, to sing out, though the story never ends. Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends.

So uh, this is it I guess. This is really the end. It feels like a chapter in my life is coming to an end, a really important one. But at the same time, like when reading a good book, I feel ready to turn the page and see what happens next. In a few hours at least. For now I'm dragging out the amazingness of my last few hours, with a bunch of my fellow nevermores and nomores, munching junk food with the curtains duct taped shut so patrolling ras won't see our cellphones and iPods orbhear us talking. Not that we'd care much if they did. We are at the end of our time here. It's time to let a new group of kids take our place at the center of cty, raving and dancing and singing and laughing and living and loving. So I think I'm ready now. It's time for me to give my final speeches, say my final gooodbyes, to move into the new chapter if my life. And who knows, maybe I will find something just as amaIng to replace cty, but never in my heart. You guys will always have a spot there. So thank you for everything, to anyone who ever helped make my experiences as wonderful as they have been. These past four summers have been the best thing I've ever had. I will never forget this.

This is going to look so incoherent wheni read this later. Quotes will be coming soon guys.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Traditions, and quotes

So a lot of you know that while I am a cty traditionalist, I am not usually one to lament theloss of traditions too much. Yes, it is nice to see them live on, and yes, I will teach them to anyone who will listen, but I don't feel a need to force the next generations to carry them out, since I won't be here to see it anyway. So I am totally fine with the fact that many people this session don't want to participate in traditions such as It's the End of the World as We Know It and everything, or that some minor canon songs aren't being played. If the new generations aren't into it, it's their loss.
What I am not cool with is the blatant trampling and dishonoring of some of the most important traditions by many people, even including some ras. sure, the guy in the gilly (sp?) suit is funny sometimes. But when people start interrupting other peoples views of the raving during sandstorm, or running around in the middle of the American pie circle, it isn't funny anymore. It is just rude. Some if it can be put down to ignorance of traditions, in which case I understand. But I really think people need to learn tht there is a line between a funny joke and a disrespectful action. I know we can't force people to do traditions, and i don't want to. But i do want people to respect those of us who do participate. it really means a lot to us, and this session has been so fabulous so far, I just hope people realize it and make it even better.

Let's end it on a lighter note with some more quotes, shall we?

"you cut the baby!" -Edward

"you kill bacteria when you go poo!" -Miranda

"a scapular (sp?) ? I thought that was for dissecting frogs!" -Alex

"what was that word? Nihilism? It says here that its synonym is terrorism." -Alex

"isn't Palestinian like a dinosaur?" -Alex

"thick? Like dick with a th?" -Alex (this guy is a goldmine)

"in my country, showers don't do this." -pancho

"has anyone ever tried connecting a multimeter to fire?" -Andrew

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Midpoint

So yesterday was the first time I had been on the Internet in over a week. I feel so accomplished. Except that it was only because I couldn't get wifi to work. (thanks Rhett, beeteedubs).
So anyway, this is basically the turning point of the session, where I start dreading the end instead of waiting for the good stuff to start. (for anyone who reads this who isn't dex, let me remind you that I am at nerdcamp right now. Sitting in study hall, in fact, but I don't really have anything to do at the moment. And I was reading Dexielle's blog earlier, so I decided to do something slightly productive ish.)
moving on. This ending is particularly sad to me, since it is so final. But at the same time, I'm also feeling kind of glad to be moving on. It's weird, but I feel like I'm moving I to a new, older chapter of my life, and that CTY is soon going to belong to the chapter I am leaving behind. But that isn't to say that I will be moving past CTY completely. I most certainly won't be. I'll miss it, I'll spend way more time on pctyd than necessary. But, as I think I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm not going to have some gaping, unfillable hole in me. The amazingness that is this session, with my wonderful hall and class and all the new memories I am making, will eventually become a warm fuzzy feeling I can enjoy fondly. But right now, my mind is more than a wee bit confused about some things. A lot of those are physics related. But also just about my feelings in general, about where I stand with certain people, and about what I will do now.
This post really has no sense. So I'll end it with a few quotes fromthe quotebook. More will come in the future, probably after CTY. (also, let's see how long it takes dex to realize I've actually postdoctoral (I'm not entirely sure what I must have typed for it to autocorrect to postdoctoral but I mean posted. I'm leaving that there though.) this, since he isthe only one who cares anyway.)

"you're creepy? I'm creepy too! Nice to meet you!" -Dani

"what is two? Miles per second? Meters per century?" -Dr. B

"these are four small mathematical turtles." -Dr. B

"three meters across my ass" -Edward
"you have a big ass." -Miranda

"hey, that's fair!" -David

"it's a Jesus stick!" -Miranda

"I'll take a picture of it and tell people it's a really fat person" -Alex
"with two heads?" -others in pop culture

"I want cry!" -Dr. B
