Friday, June 11, 2010


so its been a while since i've written anything. I really intend to update this regularly someday. but right now I am just really pissed off, and need to vent. to my non existent audience. hello, people of the interwebs.

Reasons why Maggie is pissed off:

I'm pissed off that I put things off so late.
I'm pissed off that people think it is fun to ruin things others are working hard on.
I'm pissed off that said people don't seem to realize how much of jerks they are being.
I'm pissed off that people can't drive properly.
I'm pissed off that people can't take responsibility for their actions
I'm pissed off that they can't see that these actions have consequences for others besides themselves.
I'm pissed off that a day can go from so great to so awful so quickly.

I'm pissed off at lots of other things too.

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