Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Midpoint

So yesterday was the first time I had been on the Internet in over a week. I feel so accomplished. Except that it was only because I couldn't get wifi to work. (thanks Rhett, beeteedubs).
So anyway, this is basically the turning point of the session, where I start dreading the end instead of waiting for the good stuff to start. (for anyone who reads this who isn't dex, let me remind you that I am at nerdcamp right now. Sitting in study hall, in fact, but I don't really have anything to do at the moment. And I was reading Dexielle's blog earlier, so I decided to do something slightly productive ish.)
moving on. This ending is particularly sad to me, since it is so final. But at the same time, I'm also feeling kind of glad to be moving on. It's weird, but I feel like I'm moving I to a new, older chapter of my life, and that CTY is soon going to belong to the chapter I am leaving behind. But that isn't to say that I will be moving past CTY completely. I most certainly won't be. I'll miss it, I'll spend way more time on pctyd than necessary. But, as I think I have mentioned elsewhere, I'm not going to have some gaping, unfillable hole in me. The amazingness that is this session, with my wonderful hall and class and all the new memories I am making, will eventually become a warm fuzzy feeling I can enjoy fondly. But right now, my mind is more than a wee bit confused about some things. A lot of those are physics related. But also just about my feelings in general, about where I stand with certain people, and about what I will do now.
This post really has no sense. So I'll end it with a few quotes fromthe quotebook. More will come in the future, probably after CTY. (also, let's see how long it takes dex to realize I've actually postdoctoral (I'm not entirely sure what I must have typed for it to autocorrect to postdoctoral but I mean posted. I'm leaving that there though.) this, since he isthe only one who cares anyway.)

"you're creepy? I'm creepy too! Nice to meet you!" -Dani

"what is two? Miles per second? Meters per century?" -Dr. B

"these are four small mathematical turtles." -Dr. B

"three meters across my ass" -Edward
"you have a big ass." -Miranda

"hey, that's fair!" -David

"it's a Jesus stick!" -Miranda

"I'll take a picture of it and tell people it's a really fat person" -Alex
"with two heads?" -others in pop culture

"I want cry!" -Dr. B


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