Sunday, August 8, 2010

Final Quote Post.

so yes, this is indeed the final post of quotes from LOS.10.1. about time, I know. so, without further ado... QUOTES!

"My parents are just CEOs." -Christian

"Connie and Kian, sitting on the grass. The only rhyme i can think of is ass." -Maggie

"It's some hardcore partying." -Maggie
"Hand jobs, black people music, we got it all." -Christian

"That is so not what a paramecium looks like, that's a piece of cauliflower." -Maggie
"He has a hairdo, shut up." -Miranda

"It's like fluffy, one syllable!" -Edward

"You would make a terrible golden retriever." -Rhett

"You guys are smart, you can figure it out." -George (TA)
"You've been grading our tests for two weeks, you should know that's not true." -Rhett

"Isn't it boring to always say two things?" -Dr. B
"...So we say three things." -Edward

"of course I know not to ride a Mormon!" -Gillian

"Gee, you are so gangster" -Dr. B

"How are your problems?" -Dr. B
"Problematic." -Miranda

"The solution that you prepare very day is..." -Dr. B
"Soy Sauce!" -Steven

"There's no appropriate way to put this, but if you can somehow get the shirt off of her..." -Dane (RA)

"I definitely want to be a part of this, mostly because I want to slap your ass." -Christian

"...Fucking Konichiwa miso soup eating fucking yellowtail..." -Edward

"Am I just the standard measurement for homosexuality?" -Rhett

"What's viagra for asian people?" -Miranda
"Naked pictures of Arnold Schwartzeneggar" -Rhett

"You're like Edgar Allen Poe, but for raping people." -Rhett

"I'm going to truck you" -Edward
"I approve that trucking" -George (TA)

"Short people can pretend to be real people too" -Rhett

"Put it in your pants and shake it!" -Gilbert

"I'm pantsless too!" -Maggie

"If you have both a k and a z in your name, you are either a communist or really awesome." -Rhett

"Animals are just piles of jello around harder piles of jello. unless you're a shark , then it is just jello but more awesome." -Rhett

"Bondage time is different than bonding time" -Kian

"Why can nobody ever spell ORGY?" -Simon

"This is a science class, we have no room for biology here!" -Rhett.

And some Electrical Engineering quotes, as reported by Dani:

"I think pikachu hit puberty" -Mica

"I like the word abhor." -Dex
"It has whore in it." -Mica

"what's a speed u?" -William

"Slap her with your tail, then she'll be shocked!" -Andrew

"So, Dexo..." -Everyone

"what dignity?" -Mica

"I don't say amusing things all the time." -Dex

"Get OFF me!" -Dex

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of the quotes I have for you all.

I Like You. I Love You. I CTY You.

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