Friday, July 16, 2010

It's time now, to sing out, though the story never ends. Let's celebrate, remember a year in the life of friends.

So uh, this is it I guess. This is really the end. It feels like a chapter in my life is coming to an end, a really important one. But at the same time, like when reading a good book, I feel ready to turn the page and see what happens next. In a few hours at least. For now I'm dragging out the amazingness of my last few hours, with a bunch of my fellow nevermores and nomores, munching junk food with the curtains duct taped shut so patrolling ras won't see our cellphones and iPods orbhear us talking. Not that we'd care much if they did. We are at the end of our time here. It's time to let a new group of kids take our place at the center of cty, raving and dancing and singing and laughing and living and loving. So I think I'm ready now. It's time for me to give my final speeches, say my final gooodbyes, to move into the new chapter if my life. And who knows, maybe I will find something just as amaIng to replace cty, but never in my heart. You guys will always have a spot there. So thank you for everything, to anyone who ever helped make my experiences as wonderful as they have been. These past four summers have been the best thing I've ever had. I will never forget this.

This is going to look so incoherent wheni read this later. Quotes will be coming soon guys.


Rachel said...

I love this and I love you :)
Or should I say I CTY you?
I am being quite a stalker here--sorry but you should get used to it if you haven't already <3

Lizzy said...

*sigh* That's a beautiful sentiment. I like that you're passing down the role of nevermore.